Chromatic processing in mouse retinal ganglion cells

来源 :中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五届会员代表大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingliang416
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  Objective Color processing has been intensively studied in ganglion cells of the primate retina, but in mouse correspondent knowledge is still incomplete.Opsin expression in mouse photoreceptor has distinct features such as opsin gradient and co-expression, but it is quite unknown how these features contribute to color processing.The main purpose of our study is to explore this issue.Methods We used dichromatic light stimulation (in the photopic range) of the short (S) and the medium (M) wavelength-sensitive mouse cone photoreceptors by two LED light sources.The relative contribution of S-and M-opsin to ganglion cell input was estimated by modulating the intensity of the two chromatic stimulus components sinusoidally or in steps.Using 2-photon imaging, we targeted GFP-positive ganglion cells in transgenic mice in whole-mounted retina for extracellular recordings.The mouse line we used (GFP-O; Feng et al., 2000) features sparse labeling of various morphological types of retinal ganglion cells.The morphology of the targeted cell was classified using image stacks taken after the recording.Results (1) Our data show that ON alpha ganglion cells (soma diameter > 20 μm, dendritic field size > 200 μm) received strong M-opsin but weak S-opsin input in dorsal retina, whereas in the ventral retina they received significantly stronger S-opsin input.This is consistent with the presence of a gradient in S-opsin co-expression in M-cones along dorsal-ventral axis in mouse retina.(2) Ratios of M-opsin and S-opsin input to a single alpha ganglion cell estimated by different sizes of stimuli vary in a systematic way, which could be explained by the cooperation of opsin gradient and center-surround antagonism.Alpha ganglion cells close to the transition zone of opsin gradient show clear color opponency when tested with large stimuli.(3) Opsin gradient could be observed in the receptive field of a single retinal ganglion cell.Conclusion Large scale opsin inhomogeneity like opsin gradient could lead to differential color processing on the level of individual retinal ganglion cell.
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