Water as Fuel Based on Tapping the Zero Point Energy

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phoenixs
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  Quantum theory predicts that the vacuum of space in the universe is filled with low-energy electromagnetic waves, random in phase and amplitude and propagating in all possible directions[1].Based on theory of the zero point energy, broken symmetry, and tip effect, useful energy and power has been extracted from quantum vacuum experimentally.A theoretical model of tapping the zero point energy associated with dynamic Casimir effect and the torsion field including the spin and rotation movement, has been suggested by Xingliu Jiang to be used for describing the phenomena of "cold fusion" since 1999[2].The Browns gas emitted from popular water electrolysis projects manifests energetic anomalies, which include vaporizing tungsten when used in a welding torch[3].Some claim to run generators in closed loop fashion solely on the gas from the electrolysis, which is powered from the generator.A hypothesis is proposed that the dominant energy is not coming from hydrogen, but rather it is coming from charged water gas clusters, which activate and coherently tapping the zero-point energy.Perhaps the most popular application of Browns gas is to boost an automobiles gasoline mileage.An energy anomaly manifests here as well for the boosters typically produce only a few (5-20) liters of uncompressed gas per minute.Yet many claim significant increase in miles per gallon (20 50%).Burning hydrogen cannot account for it.
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农城3号黄瓜是西北农业大学园艺系用自交系 X1_(111)为母本和CM183为父本配制的优良早熟杂种一代。1988~1989年在陕西省内进行区试和多点生产试验,表现早熟性突出,经济效益显
陕西‘旬阳荷包杏’5月下旬成熟,平均单果重125g,最大单果重154g,可溶性固形物含量13.5%,品质优良.目前尚未引起生产上足够重视,保护发展这一优良品种是值得重视的问题. Shaa