Synergistic interaction of salt-tolerant rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improving salinit

来源 :2015全国植物生物学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shermanx
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Legumes can host rhizobial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi at the same time,which both improve salt tolerance of plants.The triple symbiosis could be good candidate for improving saline soil fertility.Therefore,greater understanding of interaction of rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus for improving legumes growth in saline soil is required.
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番茄白粉病是一种真菌病害,能够造成番茄的减产和品质下降.研究者在野生番茄中发现了6 个单基因抗性基因(Ol)和3 个QTL.前期的番茄和白粉菌互作的研究中,采用cDNA-AFLP 的方法分析得到887 个差异表达片段,其中230 个DE-TDF 被测序,通过电子作图确定了抗病基因的候选序列.本文利用VIGS 方法,采用TRV2-LIC 载体,对抗病基因/QTL 的候选序列进行功能分析,以确定抗性反