Geometry Structures, Metal-metal Bond and Electronic Spectra of Ferromagnetic Dimeric Rutheinium Por

来源 :第十二届全国量子化学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweaz1
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  Dimeric(RuPz)2 complex,modeling experimentally known dimers of(RuPor)2 and(RuPc)2,as well as its monomeric RuPz have been investigated using density functional theory[1].Pz,Por and Pc denote porphyrazine,porphyrin and phthalocyanine,respectively.It was shown that(RuPz)2 favors a Pz-Pz staggered conformer with the skew angle(N-Ru-Ru-N)= 33.3° rather than an eclipsed one,which is compared with experimental values of measured 23.8° for(RuOEPor)2 and assumed 45° for(RuPc)2.Structures of the staggered(RuPz)2 in all the possible electron-spin states as well as the RuPz were fully optimized.It was revealed that the(RuPz)2 has a ferromagnetic triplet ground state,being 6.3 kcal/mol lower than its diamagnetic singlet state,and 11.3~79.1 kcal/mol more stable than other states.This confirms experimentally reported(RuOEPor)2 and(RuPc)2 with magnetic moment of 2.5~2.8 μB.The Ru-Ru bond length of(RuPz)2 in the triplet state was optimized to be 2.38(A),close to experimental values of 2.40~2.41(A).The nature of Ru-Ru double bond has been evidenced by the calculated Ru-Ru stretching vibrational frequency of 202 cm-1 and bond energy of 30.7 kcal/mol(BSSE)at the theory level of larger basis sets.Associated with the continuum model,electronic spectra of(Py2RuPz),(PyRuPz)2 and(RuPz)2 which represent case of RuPz in the dilute solution,the concentrated solution and the solid state have been calculated and discussed in the work.
无定形碳包覆介孔NiO(表示为NiO@C)纳米复合材料通过水热方法大量合成,其介孔结构决定了电极材料超高的活性表面积和增强的离子利用率,并且碳壳提高了电极材料的电子导电率。在NiO和碳材料的协同作用下,介孔NiO@C纳米复合材料与NiO材料(比电容707 F g-1以及循环6000次后降低~13%)相比表现出较高的比电容931 F g-1(2Ag-1)和较好的循环稳定性(循环6000次后降低~7%
在吸附分离、催化、能源储存/转化、载药等诸多领域中,所用材料对物质的吸附和传输能力往往决定着材料的性能。有序介孔碳材料由于具有适当孔径(2-50 nm)、有序孔结构、较大比表面积和孔隙度等优点而被广泛关注。软模板法制备有序介孔碳材料通常以不可再生的酚醛树脂为碳源,所制备得到的有序介孔碳材料化学缩合度高,不利于表面修饰。一种更具可持续发展,绿色环保,性质可控的方法是水热碳水化合物。然而,碳水化合物水
纳米多孔碳材料被广泛应用于超级电容器中,三维层次孔结构的可控制备是提升其功率密度和能量密度最有效的方法之一.本文利用廉价易得的生物质材料——葡萄糖作为唯一的碳源,将水热得到的碳球经过氢氧化钾活化后得到片状的三维层次孔碳材料,其比表面积高达2633 m2g-1,孔容为1.86 cc g-1.研究表明,片状三维层次孔结构的形成可能是以碳球丰富的表面含氧官能团为“活性位点”,以活化剂氢氧化钾为片状结构的
采用连续化学浴沉积的方法成功合成了NiO纳米颗粒负载的TiO2纳米管阵列(NiO@TNTAs).与纯的TiO2纳米管阵列(TNTAs)相比,复合的NiO@TNTAs在光解水制氢中表现出优异地光电催化活性.复合后,半导体光量子效率可以达到62.8%,制氢速率可以达到518 μmol/(h cm2),为纯TNTAs的6倍.NiO@TNTAs所表现出的优异的光电催化活性主要是由于p型半导体NiO与n型半
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