Piezo Voltage Controlled Planar Hall Effect Devices

来源 :中国物理学会2016年秋季会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlc198812
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  Controlling the spin transport in solids electrically is central to the application of spintronics for the development of information technology.Since the spin-transistor was proposed by Datta and Das in 1990s,due to the difficulties of spin injection and detection in semiconductors,until now there is still no efficient spin field effect transistor developed.Here we report the tunability of the planar Hall resistance in ferromagnetic half metal Co2FeAl devices solely by piezo voltages without external magnetic field at room temperature,which can be analogously used as the n-type and p-type field effect transistor,respectively.
Magnetic semiconductors displaying both semiconducting and ferromagnetic properties have been regarded as the most promising materials for semiconductor spintronics [1].As one of the most extensively
新型多铁材料KBiFe2O5由于其光学带隙仅为1.6eV,处于可见光谱范围内,受到了越来越多的关注.KBiFe2O5理论光电效率可达30%,远高于其他铁电光伏材料.利用传统固相法合成了KBiFe2O5材料,X-ray衍射以及选区电子衍射(SAED)表明其具有单斜晶体结构.Rietveld精修确定晶胞参数a,b,c分别为0.7899,0.5972,0.5727 nm,β值为94.484°.
Current induced magnetization switching by spin-orbit torques offers an energy-efficient means of writing information in heavy metal/ferromagnet (FM) multilayer systems. The relative contributions of
Conical spin order,where a net magnetization is formed by the spin components along the conical axis,while the spiral parts induce a ferroelectric polarization in the spiral plane,possesses an inheren
Controlling the magnetism by means of electric fields is a key issue for the future development of lowpowerspintronics.Usually,electric-field can control the magnetic materials by oxide-gate structure
电流驱动的磁化翻转可在以磁矩作为信息载体的器件中扮演基本的“写”操作,从而成为自旋电子学中最有魅力的研究课题之一,受到了研究者的广泛关注。其中,一种可能的方法是利用电流通过非磁材料中的自旋轨道耦合相互作用而产生的自旋轨道耦合矩(Spin-orbit toque)作用到铁磁体磁矩上来实现。