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巴塞尔银行监管委员会对宏观审慎监管的关注不足是2007~2008年全球金融危机未能得到有效抑制的原因之一。作为危机的产物,巴塞尔委员会开始探索宏观审慎视角下国际银行监管的改善,跨境银行监管作为其最早涉及的问题也日益受到关注。本文基于宏观审慎监管的要求,对巴塞尔委员会跨境银行监管规定进行梳理。本文认为:以防范控制系统性金融风险跨境传染为核心的宏观审慎监管视角下,现行以并表监管为主,强调母国责任的跨境银行监管规定存在缺欠,应当更平衡地处理母国与东道国的关系,在多边视角下妥善处理利益冲突,强调东道国的补充作用,通过完善主导监管者的界定、加强信息共享合作、建立监管联席会议等措施实现跨境银行监管现存问题的有效改善。 The lack of focus on macro-prudential regulation in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is one of the reasons why the global financial crisis was not effectively suppressed in 2007-2008. As a result of the crisis, the Basel Committee began to explore the improvement of international banking supervision from a macroprudential perspective. As the earliest issue of cross-border banking supervision, attention was also paid to it. Based on the requirements of macroprudential supervision, this article sorts out the regulatory requirements of cross-border banks of Basel Committee. This paper argues that under the macroprudential regulatory perspective centered on prevention of cross-border contagion of systemic financial risks, the current cross-border regulatory regulation that focuses on consolidated supervision and emphasizes the responsibility of the motherland is deficient and should be handled in a more balanced manner between the home country and the host country , Handle the conflict of interests from a multilateral perspective, emphasize the complementary role of host countries, improve the existing problems of cross-border bank regulation by improving the definition of leading supervisors, strengthening information sharing and cooperation, setting up joint meeting of supervision and other measures.
<正> 无损检测技术广义来讲是指在不损坏被检对象的前提下,测定其有关参数的技术及其方法。例如:测量温度、压力粘度、流速等都属于无损检测范畴。无损检测作为整个检测分支
【正】 一、总体结构设计1.软硬件环境硬件环境:286以上 IBM 兼容计算机,彩显、20M 以上硬盘,兼容 LQ1600K 宽行打印机。(可选鼠标)软件环境:采用 FOX 软件公司的 FoxPro v2.
【正】 去年以来,水产品市场呈低迷之势,特别是一些常规的淡水品种,价格全线下跌,根据市场调查显示,价格下跌的幅度多达25%,面对目前市场状况,水产养殖业如何拓展生存空间,赢
目的:通过回顾性研究围术期处理的一系列优化措施,探讨加速康复外科(Enhanced recovery after surgery,ERAS)理念在经尿道前列腺电切术(Transurethral resection of the pros