The effects of combination of 1-MCP with HWT or YMT on postharvest storage qualities of papaya fruit

来源 :2015 International Conference on Fruit Quality Biology (第二届果 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdxwindows
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  Harvested papaya fruit are perishable due to rapid ripening and softening,and the occurrence of rots usually limits the extension of storage life.1-Methylcyclopropene(1-MCP)treatment and hot water treatment(HWT)are most used to delay the ripening,senescence and decay of fruits.It has been reported that yeast mannan treatment(YMT)could delay the progress of ripening and softening of tomato and plum fruits.However,few is reported about the combination of 1-MCP with HWT or YMT on the storage quality of papaya fruit.This paper aimed to study the effects of 1-MCP treatment and its combination with HWT or YMT on the postharvest storage qualities of papaya fruit.Papaya(Carica papaya cv.Sunup)fruit were harvested at mature-green stage,subjected to 1-MCP treatment(1 μL/L,24 h,15℃),HWT(55℃,5 min)with 1-MCP,and YMT(0.1%,5 min)followed 1-MCP treatment respectively.Results showed that 1-MCP treatment could decline the weight loss and rot rate of papaya fruit,retard the decline of firmness during the storage.With respect to color change of papaya skin,it was delayed by the treatment.The juice yield,soluble solid contents(SSC)and pH value of papaya fruit were present a downward trend after rising first,these treatments could delay the change of this trend.In addition,the application of 1-MCP and the combined HWT+1-MCP treatment led to a reduction in both ethylene production and respiration rate,since values significantly lower than those obtained in control fruit were observed.The results demonstrate that the combination of 1-MCP with HWT or YMT have an addition effect on maintaining the postharvest quality of the fruit.This could be considered as a potential approach for prolonging the storage life and maintaining better storage qualities of papaya fruits.
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