Aerosol optical properties during firework, biomass burning and dust episodes over Beijing

来源 :江苏省颗粒学会2014年学术年会暨江苏省化工环保技术2014研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juannayuan
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  In order to characterize the aerosol optical properties during different pollution episodes that occurred in Beijing, the aerosol loading, scattering, and size distributions are presented using solar and sky radiance measurements from 2001 to 2010 in this paper.A much higher aerosol loading than the background level was observed during the pollution episodes.The average aerosol optical depth (AOD) is largest during dust episodes coupled with the lowest (A)ngstr(o)m exponent (α), while higher AOD and lower α were more correlated with firework and biomass burning days.The total mean AOD at 440, 675,870 and 1020 nm were 0.24, 0.49, 0.64 and 1.38 in the clean, firework display, biomass burning and dust days, respectively.The mean α for dust days was 0.51 and exceeded 1.1 for the remaining episodes.The size distribution of the dusty periods was dominated by the coarse mode, but the coarse mode was similar magnitude to the fine mode during the firework and biomass burning days.The volume concentration of the coarse mode during the dust days increased by a magnitude of more than 2~8 times that derived in the other three aerosol conditions, suggesting that dust is the major contributor of coarse mode particles in Beijing.The single scattering albedo (SSA) values also increased during the pollution episodes.The overall mean SSA at the four wavelengths were 0.865, 0.911, 0.922 and 0.931 in clean,firework display, biomass burning, and dust days in Beijing, respectively.However, in the blue spectral range, the dust aerosols exhibited pronounced absorption.
本研究所使用的供试菌种为放线菌769(Streptomyces ahygroscopicusgongzhulingensis Zhang.1974),该菌种于1974年从吉林省农业科学院温室土壤中分离出来,是一种
摘要:数学的学习,课堂是主战场,作业是根据地,是后勤的保证。随着新课程改革的不断深入,数学教师不但要关注课堂讲解的有效性,更要关注课堂作业设计的有效性。科学合理的作业设计是提高作业有效性的关键,如果设计得好,既可以为教师减负,更能为学生的发展寻找新路。本文就对初中有效性数学作业的设计进行了探究。  关键词:初中数学;有效性作业设计;探索;实践  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:
实验于2016年5月至10月在陕西榆林农科院“西北农林科技大学马铃薯试验示范站”大田试验基地(东经109°43′E,北纬38°23′N)进行,通过田间小区试验,以马铃薯为研究对象,设置4个种植模式(M1垄上种植、M2垄上覆膜垄沟种植、M3垄沟种植、M4平作),3个施肥水平F1,N1P1K1(100-40-150 Kg·hm-2);F2,N2P2K2(150-60-225Kg·hm-2);F3,N3