Functional characterizations of chemosensory proteins of Bactrocera dorsalis indicate their involvem

来源 :The 10th Conference of Insect Physiology, Biochemistry and M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong585
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Rhodojaponin-Ⅲ is a grayanoid diterpene compound isolated from Rhododendron molle G..Don, which has effects of deterring oviposition against many kinds of insects.Perception and recognition of this chemical involve in the interplay of many sensory neuron proteins.Chemosensory protein represented a new class of soluble carrier protein as its ligand-binding properties and expression in the lymph of chemosensilla.
水平基因转移现象是指不经过有性生殖过程而实现基因转移的现象.高等植物之间的水平基因转移现象是近年来才被发现并受到广泛关注.植物之间的寄生过程是高等植物水平基因转移的一条重要途径.锁阳属有2个种,锁阳(Cynomorium songaricum Rupr.)和欧洲锁阳(Cynomorium coccineum Linn.)o锁阳主要分布于中国、中亚和蒙古,主要寄生在无患子目白刺科植物上.
马兰[Kalimeris indica(Linn.) Sch.-Bip.]为菊科马兰属多年生草本植物,其嫩茎叶、嫩梢及地下茎可食,全草可药用.性凉,味辛,归肺、肝、胃、大肠经,具有凉血止血,清热利湿,解毒消肿的功能,主治吐血,衄血,血痢,崩漏,创伤出血,黄疸,水肿,淋浊,感冒,咳嗽,咽痛喉痹,痔疮,痈肿,丹毒,小儿疳积[1].
Pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs), a sub-family of odorant-binding proteins (OBPs), are thought primarily to bind and transport the sex pheromones in moths.Considering multiple component constitution
The polyphagous Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and the oligophagous Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were crossed and backcrossed with both female parent species in our laboratory.
The β-thymosins are abundant peptides in vertebrates, and thymosin β4 (Tβ4) is a highly conserved member of the β-thymosin family.Tβ4 acts as an extracellular modulator in tissue repair, cell migratio
Insect pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) are believed to solubilize and transport hydrophobic sex pheromones across sensillum lymph to membrane-associated pheromone receptors.To address the molecular
Background: Hsp90 is vitally important among the various HSPs because its target proteins are always steroid hormone receptors, signaling kinases, and a variety of transcription factors involved in va
The jasmonate (JA) pathway plays a key role in plant defense responses against herbivorous insects.CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 (COI1) is an F-box protein essential for all jasmonate responses.However, the