A hybrid BCI speller combining P300 potential and the SSVEP blocking feature

来源 :2014年上海市研究生学术论坛:生物医疗仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilunallen
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  Objective: Hybrid brain-computer interfaces(BCIs)have been proved to be more effective in mental control by combining another channel of physiologic control signals.Among those studies,little attention has been paid to the combined use of steady-state visual evoked potential(SSVEP)and P300 potential,both providing the fastest and the most reliable EEG based BCIs.In this paper,a novel hybrid BCI speller is developed to elicit P300 potential and SSVEP blocking(SSVEP-B)distinctly and simultaneously with the same target stimulus.Approach: Twelve subjects were involved in the study and every one performed offline spelling twice in succession with two different speller paradigms for comparison: hybrid speller and control P300-speller.Feature analysis was adopted from the view of time domain,frequency domain and spatial distribution; the performances were evaluated by character accuracy and information transfer rate(ITR).Results: Signal analysis of the hybrid paradigm shows that SSVEPs are an evident EEG component during the nontarget phase but are dismissed and replaced by P300 potentials after target stimuli.The absence of an SSVEP,called SSVEP-B,mostly appearing in channel Oz,presents a sharp distinction between target responses and nontarget responses.The r2 value of SSVEP-B in channel Oz is comparable to that of P300 in channel Cz.Compared with the control P300-speller,the hybrid speller achieves significantly higher accuracy and ITR with combined features.Significance: The results indicate that the combination of P300 with an SSVEP-B improves target discrimination greatly,and the proposed hybrid paradigm is superior to the control paradigm in spelling performance.Thus,our findings provide a new approach to improve BCI performances.
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