High Efficiency PERC Cells with Screen Printed Metallization

来源 :SNEC 第七届(2013)国际太阳能产业及光伏工程(上海)论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feierdalong
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  This paper will present a PERC (passivated emitter and rear cell) structure,which has demonstrated 20.3% energy conversion efficiency.Screen printed metallization is used for these cells,due to its production readiness and its proven reliability issues.These PERC cells used standard p-type c-Si wafers which are commonly used for conventional cell production.The cell rear side is passivated by a layer of thermal grown SiO2,which is covered by a layer of SiNx.Although such dual layer system is not the optimum for passivating the p-type rear surface,satisfying results has been demonstrated.It is planned that Al2O3 will be introduced to improve the rear surface passivation in the near future.
  Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is a growing problem in the c-Si market.The belief is that sodium ions migrate to the P/N junction and cause the cell to
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