A model of double moving redox boundary for electrophoresis titration analysis of ascorbic acid

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinfan413
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  The model of single moving redox boundary (MROB) was proposed for development of electrophoresis titration this year (H.Y.Xie,et al.,Analyst 138 (2013) 1137).However,one faces great difficulty to use a single MROB for titration analysis of a model analyte without color change during redox (e.g.,ascorbic acid).Herein,a novel model of double-MROB electrophoresis,including its mechanisms,equations and procedures,was developed for titration analysis of ascorbic acid content in chewable vitamin C tablet.The first MROB was created with ferric iron (Fe3+) and iodide ion (I-) in which Fe3+ was deoxidized as Fe2+ and I- was oxidized as molecular iodine (I2) used as indicator of visible MROB due to blue starch-iodine complex.The second redox boundary was then formed between the molecular iodine and target analyte of ascorbic acid.The experimental conditions were optimized for the double-MROB.Under optimized conditions,there was a quantitative relationship between velocity of MROB and ascorbic acid concentration in the double-MROB system.Finally,the titration of ascorbic acid in chewable vitamin C tablet was performed by the MROB method,the titration results were in agreement with those via the classic iodometric titration.The relevant RSD values of intra-day and inter-day were less than 5.55% and 6.64%,respectively.All of the results implied that the developed method had potential use in quantitative analysis of redox-active species in biomedical sample..
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  Low voltage efficiency and bubble influence are still present in micro free-flow electrophoresis (FFE).In addition,FFE has rarely been designed for sensing