This is a joint work with Marcos Jardim and Alexander Tikhomirov.We construct new components of the moduli space M(n)of rank two stable sheaves on P3 with C
We give evidence that the all genus amplitudes of topological string theory on compact elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds can be written in terms of
In a series of papers,Gopakumar,Ooguri and Vafa proposed the existence of a duality between two quantum mechanical models: a topological gauge theory-SU(N)C
The relation between intersection theory over the moduli space of pointed curves(and more generally of maps to a target space)and integrable hierarchies has
The question that the Crepant Resolution Conjecture(CRC)wants to address is: given an orbifold X that admits a crepant resolution Y,can we systematically co
The link between two dimensional conformal field theory and four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory(the AGT correspondence)permits calculating the NS l