Predicting in situ germination of Rhamnus persicifolia Moris by s soil heat sum approach

来源 :第四届国际种子生态学大会(The 4th International Society for Seed Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javashhai2
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Introduction Seeds of many temperate plant species are dormant at the time of dispersal and specific temperature requirements must be met before dormancy is lost and germination is possible (Baskin et al 1998).
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Introduction Primary seed dormancy is common in wild plants;it may ensure ability of species to survive natural catastrophes and decrease competition between individuals of the same species.
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Introduction Physical dormancy (PY) in seeds/fruits has only been identified in 18 angiosperm families.PY has not been recorded in Gymnosperms, in basal angiosperms or in themagnoloid group.
Introduction The Saharan milieu in Algeria is characterized by fragile ecosystems.After any perturbation, the turning back to ecosystems stability will be very slow.
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Introduction Leymus chinensis is a perennial rhizome plant and mainly distributes in the eastern region of the Eurasian steppe zone.This grass is economically and ecologically important, It is rich in
Introduction The most common models for estimating seed dormancy loss and germination responses are based on a thermal time approach.Under Mediterranean climate, germination is mainly limited to winte