Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Chinese Medicine ChanSu Based on Cytotoxic Bufadienolides by Hig

来源 :第2届大连国际色谱学术报告会、第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议、第18届全国色谱学术报告会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhl165408
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  Toad venom (named Chansu in China), derived from the skin secretions of Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor or Bufo melanostictus Schneider, have been widely used as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for the treatment of heart failure, sores, and pains in clinic for thousands of years.Recently, it has been found that Chansu was also increasingly applied to treat various forms of cancer, and the major active constituents are bufadienolides, a class of C-24 steroids with a characteristic-pyrone ring at C-17.The major bufadienolides from Chansu include bufalin, einobufagin, and resibufogenin, each showing significant cytotoxic activities against human liver and gastric cancer cells.In the present study, by combining the chemometric methods such as similarity evaluation and principal component analysis (PCA), we used qualitative LC/MS analysis, quantitative HPLC determination together with cytotoxic evaluation of main bufadienolides to develop a specific, practical and valid functional fmgerprint analysis approach for the comprehensive quality assessment of Chansu.
1942年,我在八路军一二○师侦察科当参谋,与贺老总朝夕相见,他那爱兵如子的感人事迹不断激起我对他的敬仰之情。 师侦察连机枪班班长张映清,是山西兴县木兰岗村人,家中只有
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