Employ of source-separated municipal solid waste compost for the sustainable management of urban der

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kim_xt
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  Many of the problems related to the management of plants in urban areas derive from the quality of soil.The use of compost as amendment could be a possible help,but general quality factors have to be satisfied,such as:absence of alien materials and pollutants,high stability and low salt content.Many studies have been conducted to improve the quality of compost,while many efforts have been carried out by the municipalities to achieve a better selection of the organic solid waste."Quality compost",defined as source-separated municipal solid waste compost,has been employed in the management of urban green areas as soil amendment and mulching,especially for tree planting.This practice reduced the transplanting failures of trees,thus reducing the planting costs.In this connection a possible more effective employ to improve the sustainability is to use this kind of quality compost as amendment on urban derelict soils.Soils of roadsides,roundabouts,filling soils,are generally highly compacted subsoils,poor in organic matter and structure,and they are unsuitable to grow any ornamental vegetation.These soils could benefit by the treatment with compost,improve their structure and water holding capacity and be able to grow some omamental vegetation.The aim of this study was to see whether the use of source-separated municipal solid waste compost on a roadside low quality urban soil could create better conditions for the sustainable management of a naturalistic sown herbaceous vegetation,without watering and fertilizing.In order to that a roundabout area was tilled to a depth of 10 cm,then half of the surface was treated with mature compost (300q/ha),the other half was not.A mixture of 25 herbaceous annuals was sown (e.g.Centaurea cyanus,Dimorphoteca aurantica,Papaver rhoeas,Trifolium incamatum) in the all area.Soil samples were analysed (texture,pH,bulk density,porosity and pore size distribution,organic Carbon and Nitrogen content) at different times and the vegetation was monitored in its growth and development.Soil added with compost showed an increase in organic Carbon content.Total porosity increased with time in the compost treated soil,due to a higher quantity of pores greater than 30 μm,i.e.transmission pores that play a role in water movement.As a consequence,the compaction process that usually follows the tillage was observed in the untreated soil,whilst the bulk density decreased in the compost treated area.Also soil aggregate stability improved in the compost treated soil.The plant emergence started in January and the flowering in March.No phytotoxic symptoms were observed in the plants growing on the compost-amended soil.
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一年期存款基准利率和贷款基准利率各上调0.27个百分点放宽贷款利率浮动区间,允许存款利率下浮 One-year benchmark deposit rates and benchmark lending rates were each
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冬枣,亦称苹果枣、冻枣、冰糖枣,栽培历史悠久。由于冬枣具有果实美观、肉质细嫩、质脆、甜味浓、品质极上等特点,很受市场欢迎。1 生物学特性 果实近圆形,中等大小,平均单
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武植莲1号原代号武植2号,中科院武汉植物研究所育成。入泥浅,中早熟,抗性强,地下茎5~6节、长130~170厘米、粗6~9厘米,单株藕重6~8千克,商品性状好。667平方米产量2500千克。 No