Balancing Historical Preservation and Modem Revitalization in Austria:The Baroque Garden of the Fest

来源 :数字化视野下的圆明园(研究与保护)国际论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liubangming98168
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  The paper introduces the current situation and preservation policy for historic gardens in Austria against the background of international guidelines, especially the 1982 Florence Charter of Historic Gardens by ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites.It explores the cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations and the impact of traditional means and new lT technologies in making their work available to a broader audience.More importantly, next to the well-known imperial garden of Sch(o)nbrunn美泉宫 or the private summer residence of the Belvedere美景宫 inside the capital city of Vienna, the paper analyses the imperial Festival Palace Hof霍夫宫, one of the most important examples of Baroque landscape design in Europe today.The splendid Baroque garden was not only an object of admiration in the eighteenth century, but thanks to recent restorations, has become one of the best revitalized complete works of art.Finally, the paper addresses the Anglo-Chinese英式花园 gardens of Austria that became fashionable in the second part of the eighteenth century, such as the imperial pleasure grounds of Laxenburg拉克森堡/拉辛堡花园.Their naturalistic and sensitive style sharply contrasted the stiff symmetry of the French gardens of the Baroque period.However, due to their vast area and diversity in architecture and landscape design, the English-style landscape gardens in Austria face challenges of cultural heritage preservation with public participation which are similar to those of the Old Summer Palace in Beijing.
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