Research on Fundamental Methodologies in Anti-cancer Therapies

来源 :BITs 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress-2012(2012第五届世界癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinxinrenren
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  Nowadays, there are huge number of anti-cancer therapies exist, from various kinds of aspect to tackle the disease,whereas, cancer still remains as a disease that cannot bc fully cured.The most fundamental answer to this question is the basic mechanism of cancer was not focused on and targeted at.In the medical field, it is well known that the theory and the experience during the therapies of "stable on basis to cure cancer", it includes plendy of practical experiences and failures.In order to apply both mordenmedicin and traditional Chinese medicine together on tackling on cancer, and, base on the needs of people, that we proposed a theory, "fast-slow two step strategy".An simple introduction is as follows, cancer should be diagnosed by modern western medicine as early as possible, to receive the maximum effectiveness from the theropy with minimum damage to the patient, this is the "fast step", and then,move on to the "stable the basis" with Chinese medicine therapy.It is a procedure that once again to optimize the allocation of the resources within the patient.The characteristic of this procedure are top down overall view and protracted strategic view.This is the "slow step".This "fast-slow two step strategy" is not only focused on curing the disease and saving lives, but also to help the patients to fight with cancer.It is the combination of technology and emotions, is the complementation of modern western medicin and traditonal Chinese medicine, to enable the most effectiveness from both the therapy and self-healing.In the needs of cancer therapy, many other resources and information from outside of the medical tratement should also be considered with.Tackling the basis of cancer will be achieved with this kind of approach.In conclusion, to understand and to follow the natural law is the basis of"fastslow two step strategy".
红元帅苹果是美国衣阿华州1872年在一个农场里被发现的。1894年命名并流传世界各国,成了世界性的主栽品种之一。 Red Marshal Apple was discovered in a farm in 1872 in
阿尔布雷特·丢勒Albrecht Durer(1471-1528)是德国画家、版画家及木版画设计家。少年时曾追随父亲习艺,他对绘画表现出特殊的才能,13岁时就能逼真地画自己的肖像,19岁时为父