Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics study of S-and R-warfarin in heart valvular replace

来源 :第五届定量药理学与新药评价国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xufei037
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  Aims: The purposes of this study were to establish population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PopPK-PD) models of S-and R-warfarin in heart valvular replacement (HVR) patients and to provide suggestions for optimizing warfarin dosage in clinic.Methods: Clinical data were obtained from 263 patients.Total plasma concentrations of S-and R-warfarin were determined simultaneously using UPLC/MS-MS.The PopPK-PD model analysis followed a sequential approach with NONMEM.The covariates were evaluated quantitatively.The reliability and stability of the final models were evaluated using resampling techniques with nonparametric bootstraps and normalized prediction distribution errors (NPDE).Results: A one-compartment model adequately described the pharmacokinetics of S-and R-warfarin.The typical values of CL/F and V/F for S-warfarin were 0.37 L/h and 42.5 L, respectively,and for R-warfarin were 0.194 L/h and 28.2 L,respectively.A sigmoid Emax model adequately described the pharmacodynamics of S-and R-warfarin.The typical values of INRC50 for S-and R-warfarin were 925 ng/mL and 1650 ng/mL, respectively.The analysis results show that concomitant amiodarone (AMIO), fluconazole (FLU), vitamin K1 (VK), BSA, AGE, and VKORC1 genotype (VKORC) were the covariates for S-warfarin, and BSA, SEX, AGE, AMIO, VK, and VKORC were the covariates for R-warfarin.The results of bootstrap evaluation were very close to the parameters estimated for all final models.Not all the results of NPDE are expected to follow an N (0, 1) distribution.Conclusion: The PopPK-PD models for S-and R-warfarin wereestablished.These results should provide a foundation for personalized use of warfarin in clinic.
目的 了解山东省中毒救治医疗机构突发中毒急救现状,为制定中毒控制策略和建设规划方案提供依据.方法 采用多层整群抽样的方法,选取山东省17个地市中毒救治医疗机构为调查对象,采用问卷方式调查,建立数据库,运用SPSS 18.0进行统计学分析.结果 不同经济水平地区医疗机构药物储备、中毒救治能力及中毒救治人员年龄、学历、职称有显著性差异,突发中毒应急培训、演练不足.结论 不同经济水平地区急救能力存在显著
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