Progesterone receptor in bone cells regulates bone mass accrual

来源 :第七届国际骨质疏松及骨矿盐疾病学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jmdjy
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Background: Sexual dimorphism in bone is well known;men tend to have higher peak bone mass than women.Using a progesterone receptor global knockout (PRKO) mouse model, our laboratory previously reported that PRKO mice displayed a high-bone-mass phenotype with increased bone formation in female and decreased bone resorption in males compared to Wild-type (WT) controls, resulting in higher peak bone mass in both genders.
Background: To explore the relationship between lipid metabolism and bone mineral density (BMD) in middle and senior men.Methods: 529 middle and senior men were divided into three groups: age stage of
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Background: Previous studies have found that diabetes induced osteopenia relates to many factors such as osmotic diuresis caused by the high blood sugar and calcium regulating hormone abnormalities.In
目的 观察50岁以上社区人群中骨折类型的分布,并探讨不同骨折类型对肌力和肌功能影响是否具有差异;方法 自2013年10月至2014年3月,对上海5个社区50岁以上的居民共1471名(男性446名,女性1025名)进行问卷调查,内容包括基本信息、既往骨折史、运动时间、吸烟史、饮酒史、女性月经和孕产史、基础疾病和用药史等.对所有受试者进行非优势侧握力的测定,每人测定3次,每次间隔1分钟,取最大值.
研究目的 QCT和DXA是目前公认的诊断骨质疏松方法,但关于两者对近段股骨骨质疏松诊断效能的比较未见报道,故本次研究目的为比较QCT和DXA对绝经后女性股骨颈和全髋关节的骨质疏松检出率.方法 来自前瞻性城乡流病研究(PURE)项目的103名健康绝经后农村女性志愿者(46-76岁)在同一天行髋关节QCT和DXA扫描.
Background: To evaluate serum Dkkl level in T2DM patients and to analyze its relationship with BMD and related clinical factors.Methods: A total of 105 T2DM inpatients was included in the department o
研究目的 研究初级纤毛在淫羊藿素促进成骨细胞成熟矿化中所起的作用:是作为接受淫羊藿素信号的感受体还是作为向下游传递淫羊藿素信号的中介物?是初级纤毛的哪种成分起了关键作用?其上游和下游促进骨形成的分子机理又是什么?
Background: To evaluate serum Sclerostin level in T2DM patients and to analyze its relationship with BMD and related clinical factors.Methods: A total of 105 T2DM inpatients was included in the depart
Background: This study was to explore the association of low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) gene polymorphism with bone mineral density (BMD), bone turnover markers and glycomet
Background: To investigate the correlated risk factors of osteoporosis and osteopenia in 125 male patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Methods: The 125 male patiants with T2DM was devided to osteopo