Efficient Extracting Surfaces Approach Employing Anisotropic Kernels for SPH Fluids

来源 :2015全国理论计算机科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyao2000
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  In the progress of fluid simulation by particle method, the particles is disordered, so that it is difficult to achieve surface extracting by tracking the particle.Therefore it is necessary to extract fluid surface that is called surface reconstruction.It has been the research focus of particle-based fluid simulation.In order to construct more smooth surface and enhance the efficiency of reconstruction in the progress of fluid simulation, this paper presents an efficient surface reconstruction method for particle-based fluid simulation.Firstly, we simplify the construction of the traditional anisotropic kernel function based on geometry.Secondly, we divide particles into near surface particles and internal particles according to the analysis of particleseigenvectors.Finally, the near surface particles are involved in calculation when processing surface reconstruction.While the internal particles color field values are directly assigned by means of its number of neighbor particles.Experimental results show that this algorithm ensures smoothness and geometric characteristics of the reconstructed fluid surface.Compared to existing algorithms, this method is simple and easy to implement and greatly improved the operation efficiency.
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