
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mynickelly
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地震灾害是我国城市安全的重要威胁,科学合理的城市区域建筑震害模拟对城市防震减灾的规划和应急预案的制定具有重要的参考意义。该文简单介绍了4种区域建筑震害分析方法(易损性矩阵方法、HAZUS方法、多层集中质量剪切(MCS)模型、多自由度(MDOF)剪切/弯剪模型),从典型建筑和具体区域算例的角度,对比了4种方法的预测结果,表明:1)MDOF剪切/弯剪模型对中低层建筑采用了基于中国建筑的参数标定,对于高层框剪结构考虑了弯曲变形,震害预测结果具有最佳的准确性。因此,对于中国城市区域建筑的震害预测,宜采用MDOF剪切/弯剪模型。2)相对于易损性矩阵方法,其他三种方法能更好地考虑目标区域建筑特异性。3)由于MCS模型采用HAZUS参数库进行参数标定,因此二者给出的震害结果大体相近。但MCS模型相对HAZUS方法,能更好地体现层数对结构抗侧特性(骨架线)的影响。该文的分析对比结果,可为区域震害预测研究提供参考。 Earthquake disaster is an important threat to urban safety in our country. Scientific and reasonable urban area earthquake damage simulation has important reference meaning for the planning and emergency plan of urban earthquake disaster prevention and reduction. In this paper, four kinds of regional building seismic damage analysis methods (vulnerability matrix method, HAZUS method, MCS model and MDOF shear / bending shear model) are briefly introduced. From the typical Building and specific regional example, the results of four methods are compared. The results show that: 1) The MDOF shear / bending model adopts the parameter calibration of Chinese buildings for middle and low-rise buildings, and the bending of high-rise frame shear structures Deformation, earthquake damage prediction with the best accuracy. Therefore, MDOF shear / bending shear model should be adopted for earthquake damage prediction of urban buildings in China. 2) Relative to the vulnerability matrix approach, the other three approaches give better consideration to the architectural specificity of the target area. 3) Because the MCS model uses the HAZUS parameter library to calibrate the parameters, the earthquake damage results given by the two are generally similar. However, compared with the HAZUS method, the MCS model can better reflect the influence of the number of layers on the lateral resistance of the structure (skeleton line). The results of the analysis and comparison of the paper can provide reference for the regional earthquake damage prediction research.
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