Stem Cell and Nanotechnology in Spinal Cord Regeneration

来源 :2011第二届国际神经科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FUHENGBIN
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  OBJECTIVE: This study describe the new method to the field of spinal cord repair after injury from the emerging disciplines ofnanotechnology and stem cell implantation.MATERIAL AND METHOD: 10 spinal cord fresh cadavers were used for axonal regeneration with stem cells implantation supported by nanotubes as scaffolds.The stem cell arising from the skin of the same cadaver, were implanted at level of the cranial cutting spinal cord and with the support of the nanotube in carbonium and silicium, progressed towards the caudal portion of the spinal cord.In addition we used neuronal mRNA to achieve the increase of the axonal sprouting.Consequently the experimental model, demonstrate the ability of the axonal regeneration in correct direction with stem cell and nanotechnology.DISCUSSION: The nanotechnology are providing a microstructured scaffolds with precisely formed architectures for the stem cell to promote regeneration and direct repair by reconnecting axons.Combined with nanotechnological capabilities to control their surface chemistries, these tissue constructs have been designed to create a microenvironment within nervous tissue to optimally promote the outgrowth of neurites.The clinical application will be very helpful for the spinal cord injury.Development work is currently underway to bring about the feasibility of this technique.CONCLUSION: With the emergence of microtechnology of stem cell and nanotechnology, new methods for repairing spinal cord are being explored and developed.
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