Biodiversity of aquatic fungi in China

来源 :Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and The 13th International M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rockman27
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  Aquatic fungi have been investigated in China since 1920s.However, reports are inadequate and extremely disproportional in different areas, and many literatures were written in Chinese.In this paper, we summarized the known data and provided a comprehensive list of aquatic fungi in China.Up to date, 856 species have been reported in China, including 782 and 80 from freshwater and marine habitats respectively.
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枣树从座果到收获,历期95~110天,这期间的管理十分重要,不仅关系到当年的产量和质量,还影响到来年。现将枣树座果到落叶期的主要管理措施介绍如下,供参考。 Jujube trees fr
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摘要:教育是一种文化现象,不同的教育反映的是不同的社会文化内涵,适宜美国今日社会的教育方法或教育体制并不一定适应于中国现在的社会。因此,不同国家的教育比较必须基于社会文化背景的比较。正是由于社会环境与文化传统的差异,构成了不同国家、不同社会的教育差异。美国的教育传统是与美国的文化传统相一致的,同样,中国的教育传统也必然根植于中国的文化传统。  关键词:个性化;社会化;教育模式;教育方式;教育理念 
  Fungi contribute substantially to biogeochemical cycles of both terrestrial and marine habitats by decomposing matter and recycling nutrients.Yet, the diver