Exploration of New Inorganic SHG Materials based on Metal Iodates

来源 :The 3rd International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource Utili | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyuhuy
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  The search of new second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) materials (or SHG materials) is of current interest and great importance owing to their applications in photonic technologies.1 It is reported that systems contain a lone pair cation such as I(Ⅴ) are apt to form non-centrosymmetric structures (NCS) with good second-order NLO properties.2 In recent year, we have been exploring new NLO materials based on metal iodates by the combination of two types of NLO active building units such as lone pair cation, octahedrally coordinated cation with d0 electronic configuration, and etc.3
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