Remote Attestation Approach by Cross-Layer Security Policy Translation

来源 :第八届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allen_liliang
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  The security policy can exactlv reflect the security expectations of svstem models is also an important method of remote attestation of computing environment.which is based on model behaviors Existing policy measurement approaches focus on single model However.practical policies usuallv include various kinds of model properties so that existing methods cannot meet the demands of combined policy measurement and unified expected description of multiple collaborativemechanisms and dvnamic control systems This paper proposes a novel remote attestationapproach on cross-layer security policy translation.CPMA.which is used to verifv secunty expectations and combined policy measurements of multiple model systems CPMA presents securitY exceptionexpressions and the descriptions of the high-layer policy and the low-layer policy It also designs the translation algorithm and verification algorithm with low overhead to achieve the trusted measurement of multiple mechanism policies Extensive evaluations show that CPMA can measure and verifv svstem actionsaccuratelv and effe ctively.
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