Hidden force in H2O

来源 :第十二届全国物理力学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamlisheng
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  The ultra-short-range interactions of inter-electron-pair Coulomb repulsion, intermolecular van der Waals force, and intramolecular exchange interaction have been identified as the key to the unusually asymmetric relaxation in length and stiffness of the master-slave-segmented "O2-∶H+/p-O2-" hydrogen-bond (H-bond), and hence anomalies of water ice in response to cooling, clustering, and squeezing.Consistency between experimental observations and numerical calculations, verified our expectations.i) Compression shortens-and-stiffens the softer "O2-∶H+/p" non-bond, and meanwhile, lengthens-and-softens the stiffer "H+/p-O2-" real-bond, through Coulomb repulsion, leading to the O2-∶H+/p-O2-proton symmetrization towards ice-X phase, low compressibility, phase-transition temperature (Tc) depression, band gap expansion, softer phonon (<300 cm-1) stiffening and stiffer phonon (>3 000 cm-1) softening.ii) Molecular-undercoordination of (H2O)N clusters functions oppositely to compression, resulting in molecular volume expansion, melting point (viscosity) elevation, binding energy entrapment, bonding charge densification and polarization, stiffer phonon stiffening and softer phonon softening of water surface, clusters, and ultrathin films that manifest glue-and ice-like and hydrophobic nature at the ambient.iii) Because of the segmental-thermodynamic-disparity of the H-bond, cooling contraction happens alternatively to the non-and the real-bond in the 373-50 K temperature range, subjecting to the relative specific heat of the segments in a given temperature range.
  A variational method using the principle of virtual work (PVW) is presented to formulate the problem of the microcantilever stiction.Compared with the Rayle
松竹留因夏,溪山去为秋。  久赓白雪咏,更度采菱讴。  北宋元祐三年(1088)夏秋之际,米芾应友人邀请在吴兴小住,游苕溪,览名山,泛太湖,享受山水之美。他题诗歌咏,感叹人生,并以酣畅的行书,成就了上面这篇闻名书坛的《苕溪诗帖》。  上世纪90年代初,我在杭州的新华书店购得此帖,便深深喜欢上,常从那行云流水般优美舒缓的线条之间,感受故乡风物的诗情画意。后来家住苕溪边,推窗可见的一草一木、一山一石似