Care Dependency and Nursing Care Problems in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia: A Longitudinal St

来源 :2015第三届世界健康大会、首届国际失智症大会、第三届国际老年病学大会、第四届国际糖尿病学大会暨第五届国际内分泌与代谢大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovashan
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  Dementia is a risk factor to develop care dependency and related nursing care problems (e.g.falls, malnutrition), which often lead to nursing home admission.Internationally, more than 50% of nursing home residents have dementia.Research exploring changes in care dependency and nursing care problems in dementia nursing home residents over time are lacking, but would be important to identify areas to improve dementia care.
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