Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Pultruded Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Composites

来源 :第七届亚澳复合材料会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdjc1314
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  This paper reports the dynamic mechanical properties of pultruded kenaf fiber reinforced composites.The test was performed by taking into account the effect of fiber loading, frequencies and testing temperature.The failure analysis was also investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM).At temperatures above Tg, the E values are found to be maximum for composites with 70% fiber loading, indicating that the incorporation of kenaf fiber in polyester matrix induces reinforcing effects appreciably at higher temperatures.The loss modulus and damping peaks were found to be lowered by the incorporation of fiber.The glass transition temperature, Tg values were increased with increasing fiber content.The Tg value was found to be highest for composites with 70% fiber content.
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