Online Updating of Survival Analysis in the Big Data Setting

来源 :上海交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soul678
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  When large amounts of survival data arrive in streams,conventional estimation methods may become infeasible since they require storage of all the risk sets at each accumulation point.
Missing data are frequently encountered in longitudinal clinical trials.To better monitor and understand the progress over time,we must handle the missing data appropriately and thus determine whether
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In the split feasibility problem,one is given a smooth function h(x): Rp→ Rq and two closed convex sets C(C)Rp and Q(C)Rq.One is then asked to find a point x∈Rp simultaneously satisfying x ∈ C and h(x
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The celebrated single ring theorem asserts that the eigenvalues of a non-Hermitian random matrix with given singular values are asymptotically distributed on a single ring in the complex plane.
The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve is a well-known measure of the performance of a classification method.
There are many challenges in clinical development for rare oncology disease.This talk will present a case study for a rare oncology indication.