
来源 :西南林学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nightdie
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竹业经济是林业经济的重要组成部分。发展竹业经济具有潜力大、投资省、见效快、加工活、市场广、创汇好等特点。是闽北发挥山地优势、增加出口创汇、推进外向型经济的突破口之一。近几年,南平地区把发展竹业经济作为振兴闽北经济的重要战略措施来抓。把它纳入以优化林业结构和提高林业效益为中心的大林业经济。为此。南平地委、行署作出了关于大力开发竹业的决定。于1993年5月在建瓯召开全区竹业工作会议。同时,由行署领导与各县(市)领导签订了1992~1997年发展竹业目标责任状。本文作者围绕实施竹业工程情况。通过对11个乡镇、林场进行了专题调查研究,分析总结竹业经济开发与利用的对策和经验。提出今后发展的六条建议。 Bamboo industry economy is an important part of the forestry economy. The development of bamboo industry economy has great potential, investment, quick, processing live, wide market, good foreign exchange earnings and other characteristics. It is one of the breakthroughs in the advantage of mountainous areas in northern Fujian to increase exports and earn foreign exchange and to promote an outward-oriented economy. In recent years, Nanping has taken the development of bamboo industry economy as an important strategic measure to revitalize its economy. Include it in the big forestry economy centered on optimizing forestry structure and improving forestry efficiency. to this end. Nanping prefectural and administrative offices made a decision on vigorously developing bamboo industry. In May 1993 in Jianou held a bamboo industry conference. At the same time, the leadership of the administrative department and leaders of all counties (cities) signed the responsibility obligation of developing bamboo industry objectives from 1992 to 1997. The authors focus on the implementation of bamboo industry situation. Through the investigation and study of 11 townships and forestry farms, the paper summarized the countermeasures and experience of bamboo industry economy development and utilization. Put forward six proposals for future development.
今年,参观2012年北京国际车展的朋友,会发现三菱汽车又带来了它的新产品:一款亚洲首发车型——三菱汽车新型“欧蓝德”。这款汽车不仅是一款将环保性能、安全性能以及整体质感进行结合的新一代SUV车型,也是三菱汽车在其中期经营计划「JUMP2013」中对于未来产品战略规划的两大核心概念,即“以新兴市场为中心的全球战略车型”以及“环保车型”的具体化体现。  最新的数据显示,虽然由于金融危机的影响,三菱汽车