A Game Analysis of Wholesale Contract Incentive Within Supply Chain Based on the Drugs Safety Respon

来源 :美国科研出版社 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHANGXIANYU0000
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  Applying the basic idea of game thoery, the essay studies on the wholesale price contract incentive of distributor-oriented supply chain based on the drugs safety responsibility.The results show that: Supply chain system will reach competition equilibrium when manufactures use marginal cost as wholesale price.At this moment, manufacturers have no profit, profit of class g (b) distributors equals that of class g (b) manufacturer-retailer alliance, and optimal pricing that makes maximum profit of class g (b) distributors just is the optimal pricing which offers the maximum profit of class g (b) manufacturer-retailer alliance.Distributors can adjust the value of profit distribution factor to reach the proper result satisfied by both manufacturers and themselves, so as to effectively encourage manufacturers to use marginal cost as wholesale price.
混合品种装配线排序问题影响到供应物流稳定及生产线作业的稳定.决定汽车混合品种装配线排序时,主要考虑装配线作业负荷平均化(目标1)及各零部件使用速度平均化(目标2)的两个目标.本文,以汽车制造企业供应链作为研究对象,不仅要考虑上述的两个目标,还要考虑从生产企业到汽车中转中心(Pre Delivery Inspection,PDI服务中心)的新车运输计划遵守率(目标3),提出基于供应链管理理论的混合品
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