Picowatt-Resolution Calorimetry for Probing Radiative Heat Transfer

来源 :The 2nd International Conference on Phononics and thermal En | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiwei2009
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  Precise quantification of energy transport and heat generation is key to obtaining insights into a wide range of phenomena across various disciplines including engineering,biology,physics and chemistry.This lecture will describe recent advances into heat-flow calorimetry,which enable precise measurement of energy transport at micro and nanoscales with picowatt resolution.Specifically,I will describe two classes of calorimeter devices,which are capable of achieving single digit picowatt resolution at room temperature.Each type of device incorporates two important features: A region that is isolated from the ambient via a weak thermal link with a conductance(GTh~1 μW/K),and a high-resolution thermometer with temperature resolutions(ΔTres)that are in the micro kelvin regime.This enables measurements of heat currents(q)with ultra-high resolution(q= GTh×ΔTres).I will also describe how these calorimeters have been used in conjunction with a novel nanopositioning system to obtain new insights into near-filed radiative thermal transport.
家蚕(Bombyx mori)是拥有良好饲养体系的植食性昆虫。遗传资源丰富,个体相对较大,是鳞翅目害虫的研究模型。2004年家蚕基因组测序的完成并结合家蚕的EST序列的基础上得以构建
目录 一、引言 二、光谱分析 三、铁谱分析 四、理化分析 五、结论建议及跟踪 一、引言 减速机是冶金行业大部分主作业线上的重要传动部件,它的运行状态往往直接影响到其输出
目录 一、前言 二、实验部分 三、结果与讨论 四、结束语 一、前言 脂润滑设备一般承受较大的负荷,且运转速度比较低,其在运行过程中摩擦副经常会出现局部点蚀、疲劳剥离等故