Design and Synthesis of(E)-3,4-Dihydroxy Styryl Sulfone,Sulfoxide Derivatives as Dual Inhibitors of

来源 :2015年全国药物化学学术会议暨第五届中英药物化学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mytony
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  There is a recent strategy of designing multi-functional ligands by which multiple targets can be inhibited by a single compound.Also,multipleligand approach can benefit anti-HIV discovery since the poor patient compliance and the risk of drug interactions brought by “drug cocktail” can be overcome.
目的:比较改良塞丁格技术超声引导下经外周中心静脉置管术与用传统的肉眼直视下进行经外周中心静脉置管方法的效果。方法:60例行置管的晚期恶性肿瘤化疗需置管的患者随机分组,分为对照组和观察组,每组30例,对照组采用传统的肉眼直视下穿刺操作的方法置管,观察组采用经B 超引导下改良塞丁格技术穿刺置管技术置管,观察两组一次性穿刺置管成功率,置管后导管脱出,出血和皮下淤血,静脉炎,静脉血栓的发生率。
随着新生儿重症监护室(neonatal intensive care unit,NICU)的建立和围生医学及新生儿急救技术的发展,早产儿抢救成功率与存活率明显提高。在早产儿中,胎龄小于32周或极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight infants,VLBWI)临床问题较多、血管小、频繁的静脉穿刺给新生儿带了很大的痛苦,因此采取积极有效的护理措施是极其重要的。
目的:探讨护理干预对PICC置管术后局部皮肤过敏的治疗。方法:我科2013年4 月-2015年1 月共行PICC置管356 例,年龄在25-74 岁,均在超声引导下完成置管。
MEK1/2 kinase inhibitors have exhibited great potency in treatment of many cancer types in which activating mutations of RAS or BRAF are associated with cancer cell proliferation,survival,and metastas
Toll-like receptor 8(TLR8)is one of the evolutionally conserved pattern recognition receptors(PRRs).TLR8 agonists activate adaptive immune responses by inducing robust production of T helper 1-polariz
三阴乳腺癌(TNBC)是雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)和人表皮受体2(HER-2)都低表达的一类特殊型乳腺癌[1]。虽然TNBC 对化疗、放疗敏感性较高,但常规的标准治疗,期预后较差,临床研究具有很大的挑战[2]。
MEK1 inhibitors are promising molecules in a number of therapies related to cancer,virus infection,inflammation and numerous other diseases[1].Utilizing scaffold hopping strategy,three novel scaffolds
The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV),which having seriously threatened peoples health and survival.