Apical and basal cell fate determination during early embryogenesis in angiosperm

来源 :2012全国发育生物学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjyasp
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  In some of angiosperms, the zygotic division gives rise to two daughter cells with distinct morphologies and developmental fates.The apical cell develops into an embryo, and the basal cell mainly divides to form a suspensor that later completely disappears.It is still unknown when these distinct cell fates are determined and whether the basal cell fate determination and suspensor formation depend on its interaction with the apical cell or/and embryo proper.Using an in vitro microculture system along with a laser-controlled microdissection technique (LCM), we demonstrated that a single basal cell can follow basic standard embryonic pattern and develop into a filamentous suspensor.
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