The Silencing Effect of Stigma for Families Bereaved by Suicide

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenbincool
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  Stigma is a well-recognised feature across the spectrum of suicide prevention, intervention and postvention.This applies to the ways in which suicide is understood at the general community level, within the helping professions, and by those touched by suicide through attempts or the loss of a loved one.While there is considerable documentation about stigma and the role stigma plays in suicide, the ways in which family members experience stigma is not well understood in the research literature.On the contrary those bereaved through suicide know well the impact that stigma plays in their lives following the death of their loved one, friend, colleague or client.
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