Smart Solutions for Continuous Improvement of Cold Rolling Mills

来源 :第九届中国钢铁年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dvdwen
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  In China as well as everywhere in the world,operators of cold rolling mills are interested in increased yields,better product quality and economic operation of the facility.Therefore they continuously optimize the process,adapt it to the requirements of new products and maintain the equipment.SMS Siemag as full line supplier supports steel producers through innovative technologies,well-proven equipment,up-to-date electrical and automation systems and through a wide range of related services during all phases of optimization of plant and production.On the basis of several references,the paper introduces examples of best practice,more efficient operation and tailored upgrade measures.Operational results give proof of the effectivity of installed mechatronical systems by SMS Siemag,ranging from small solutions to comprehensive systems.Examples mentioned are operational improvement of the multizone cooling and DS system,highly effective EcoComponents like Nipco(R) and ECOLub as well as upgrades like X-Shape flatness measuring system and CVC(R) plus M18/4 multipurpose mill.
基于邢钢轴承钢生产流程,通过提高转炉出钢碳含量和控制转炉下渣量,增加转炉和LF 脱氧力度,延长RH 真空处理时间和软吹时间,改善保护浇铸等工艺使轴承钢全氧含量显著降低,由原来的平均7.61×10-6 降低至5.93×10-6,且全氧含量≤6.5×10-6 的比例由原来的30.4%提高至79.8%.
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