View to a Kill: Using Technology to Guide Pediatric Surgical Oncologists

来源 :2011第四届世界癌症大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GT454208911
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  Cancer is the most common cause of death from illness among children.With the advent of a combined attack of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery against cancer, the cure rate from all childhood cancers have steadily improved.With respects to surgery, the current pediatric surgical oncology has important roles in diagnosis, staging, treatment, and supportive care.In each of these roles, the surgeon relies on being able to see an object to perform his/her tasks.
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  The IL23R gene on chromosome 1p31 encodes a subunit of the receptor for the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin23.Recently, IL23R could be identified as a