Magnetic Reconnection in Presence of Super-Alfvenic Shear Flows

来源 :第十届海峡两岸空间/太空科学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aboutt
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The numerical simulations are carried out to study the influence of super-Alfvenic shear flow on the magnetic reconnection.In the framework of two-dimensional incompressibleMHD,it is found that a pair of Alfven resonance layers is formed outside the reconnection layer.The Alfven layers are located in the narrow region where the initial flow velocity equals to the local Alfven speed and move away from the reconnection region slowly as magnetic econnection develops.The magnetic reconnection is suppressed by the Alfven layers.The suppressing effect depends largely on the intensity of the Alfven layers and the distance between the two layers.With respect to different thickness of the shear flow,the maximum econnection rate also has a similar parabolic-like change.When the shear flow is sufficiently strong,or the thickness of the shear flow is narrow enough,both the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and the tearing mode instability develops.
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