Free Vascularized Leg Perforator Flap for the Wounds of the Extremities

来源 :中华医学会第十八届骨科学术会议暨第十一届COA国际学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhwangseagull
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  Objective To evaluate the locating effects of a portable ultrasound for leg perforator flaps,and the clinical effects of leg perforatorperforator flaps for the wounds of the extremities.Methods Since December 2009 to March 2011,31 cases of soft tissue defects of the extremities wereextremities were treated with free vascularized leg perforator flaps in our center.A portable ultrasound were used for the locating of the perforator arteriesperforator arteries of the leg before the operations.These flaps include 24 cases of the fibular artery perforator flaps(4 with simultaneous fibula transfer),fibula transfer),3 cases of the posterior tibia artery perforator flap,2 cases of the medial gastrocnemius artery perforator flap,and 2 cases of the lateralof the lateral gastrocnemius artery perforator flap.The flap size ranged from 15×8cm to 1×1.5cm. The caliber diameter of the perforator artery perforator artery ranged from0.2mmto1.8mm. The wounds included 21 cases of the hand, 5 cases of the forearm, and 5 cases of the leg. Results The coincidence rate intraoperatively of the portable ultrasound was 96.8%. All the flaps survived and the wounds healed uneventfully. The donor site of the flaps were either closed directly or closed with partial split-thickness skin graft. Conclusions The portable ultrasound is an effective, reliable and accurate instrument for locating the leg perforator flaps.
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