Life Cycle Assessment of Use of Recycled Materials in Asphalt Pavement

来源 :第五届交通运输领域国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sihuajian
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The vast majority of roads in the UK are paved with asphalt materials.Frequent ma intenance work, increasing traffic volume and axle load all require large amount of quality mate rials for surface asphalt. Use of secondary aggregates, in preference to quarried minerals, be comes commonplace. This has the dual sustainability benefits of reducing the amount of waste for disposal and reducing demand for extraction of depleting resources.However,recycling may also have an adverse impact on the environment, due to increased processing and transport ac tivity to get materials into reusable form and location. Contention like this among parties with different interests calls for reliable and accredited assessment techniques.Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) emerges as a useful tool to analyze environmental loadings by quantifying all the inputs and outputs regarding environmental aspects of a product or process across its life time from raw material acquisition, through production,use and final disposal. In ternational standards on LCA(the ISO1404X series)have been issued to harmonize countries effort in its application.Through its development,LCA is being adopted by a variety of indus tries.Limited practice of LCA in the road construction started in the late 1990s.There has,so far, been little LCA work applied to recycling of road paving materials. Yet quite a few forward looking research institutes and companies are taking substantial steps towards implementing LCA in their product improvement and marketing strategy.The main work in LCA involves the development of an inventory( LCI), in which all envir onmental burdens (e.g. materials use, emission) are compiled and quantified. This is followed by an impact assessment (LCIA), calculating and presenting the inventory results in a way that supports comparison or further analysis(interpretation).This paper, and the on-going project, aims to determine the potential for using LCA to an alyze environmental impacts of using recycled materials in asphalt pavement. Four candidate materials have been selected as aggregate substitute or binder modifier in surface course as phalt,namely glass, scrap tyre, plastic, and steel slag. These materials generally end up with disposal to landfills or down-cycling (not used to its full potential). Some LCA models and databases worldwide are called upon to support the research from which relevant and updated data can be obtained.The requirement for additional data,due to the novelty of this research, will be identified through its progress.To keep the work within manageable bounds, the scope of this research is limited to the production of asphalt surface course, and the study will investigate only the environmental im pacts assessed as being most significant (e.g. CO2, SO2). This paper will review the relevance of LCA to the asphalt industry, identify the main phases of asphalt production, and describe ac ademic and industrial LCA resources which are available to support the research. An example of LCA for using recycled waste glass in asphalt is presented.
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1 临床资料患者,男,28岁,某部飞行教员,共飞行950 h。因空中意识丧失1次于1994年11月2日入院。患者飞行中做俯冲跃升时觉头昏、视物模糊,随即意识丧失,20 s后清醒,并觉胸闷