Software-assisted Evaluation using TG/PI-QMS with Skimmer Interface for Polymer Products

来源 :中国化学会第29届学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuncat
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  Evolved gas analyses with pyrolysis were carried out for some kinds of polymer products using a newly developed apparatus of Skimmer interface-connected [TG/DTA]/[Photo-Ionization-QMS] that is “ThermoMass Photo” by Rigaku corporation.The apparatus has an advantage of the real-time monitoring of pyrolyzed species because of no transformation and no retention time of the evolved species using the skimmer interface.The PI technique is one of the soft ionization techniques.The soft ionization for mass spectrometry offers no fragmentation during ionization,so that one peak indicates one chemical species reflecting its molecular weight.In the mass spectrum,evolved species can be distinguished without any separation techniques,such as gas chromatography as pretreatment technique.The combination of soft ionization mass spectrometry and TG/DTA results offers the discrimination of polymers with the same chemical structure and different thermal properties.In the soft ionization mass spectrum,there are some minor peaks due to small amount additives.In general,the small peaks may be ignored as noise.For this purpose,multivariate analysis such as Residual Analysis is effective to identify these minor peaks due to small amount species.In case of usual apparatus such as capillary-connected TG/MS and Py-GC/MS,unstable species evolved by pyrolysis must be adsorbed or transformed on the inner wall of transfer device for evolved gaseous species.Hence it follows that detection of these species is impossible.The software is newly developed,and useful to polymer discrimination by spectrum matching and product comparison by residual analysis.DCR(Different calculation method of regression analysis)offers the spectrum matching,so that discrimination between not only homo-polymers but blended polymers using homo-polymer database only,without database of blended polymers.The software-assisted evaluation has been carried out to blended polymer products.In case of shock-resisted polymer that is mixture of polystyrene and styrene-butadiene copolymer,the result indicated PS∶SB = 78%∶22%,and discriminated that SB was ABA block copolymer with 28 wt%styrene.It is appropriate to the product specifications.
近年来,随着科学技术的不断进步,特别是光催化领域研究的不断深入,纳米复合材料越来越受到人们的关注与重视。本研究以高温固相法合成的铌基复合氧化物(KTiNbO5和 LiNbMoO6)为前驱物,通过H+交换改性、四丁基氢氧化铵(TBAOH)柱撑剥离得到相应纳米片溶胶。再与 Fe2O3溶胶进行可控重组制备 Fe2O3/KTiNbO5和Fe2O3/HNbMoO6纳米复合物。采用 XRD、FT-IR、LRS
由两种或多种金属构成的复合纳米粒子具有独特的催化、电子学和光学性质[1,2].我们利用化学分步还原的方法,制备了一系列贵金属-过渡金属氧化物(Rh@MOx)的核壳结构复合纳米颗粒.其中通过控制Rh,Fe的比例,制备了粒度均匀且粒径可控的Rh@Fe3O4复合纳米粒子,其Fe3O4壳层厚度随着Fe含量的增加而增厚,同时Rh核尺寸基本保持在1.5 nm.利用TEM跟踪观察大比例(Fe:Rh = 10)下
生物医学应用是纳米材料最有发展前景的应用领域之一,这是因为纳米粒子提供了一个良好的平台,可以集众多功能于一身,并靶向到特定的体内组织和器官,发挥协同功能,为很多重要疾病的诊断与治疗提供了突破的可能。然而,生命体是一个非常复杂的系统,纳米材料进入体内后将与大量的各种生物分子相互作用,尤其是在生命活动中主要功能执行者——众多的蛋白质分子。体内的蛋白质总浓度高达10 mM量级,纳米颗粒进入体内后一般会形
石墨烯及其衍生物在能源、环境以及生物医药等领域都具有良好的应用前景,但其对环境和人类健康的安全风险也尚不清楚.本研究对石墨烯量子点(GQD,3-5 nm的超小GO)的体外和体内毒性进行了研究,并以20-30 nm的GO为对照研究了氧化石墨烯(GO)的尺寸对其生物毒性的影响.WST、ROS活性氧和Annexin凋亡检测等研究结果表明GQD在高达600 ug/mL的浓度时也无明显细胞毒性;体内分布、组