Thermal Spray Construction of Mechanically Durable Superhydrophobic Coatings with Multiple Length-sc

来源 :第十一届全国表面工程大会暨第八届全国青年表面工程学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:controlzhang
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  Biofouling is one of the major problems for the coatings used for protecting marine infrastructures. Regulation in surface structure and local chemistry is usually the key for achieving antifouling performances of the coatings. This paper demonstrates a thermal spray route for making superhydrophobic surfaces with mechanically robust and easy-repairable antifouling performances. Rough micropatterned surface structures were constructed by thermal spray deposition of a variety of inorganic materials, and additional surface modification was made using silicone elastomer and zwitterionic molecules via DOPA linkage. Results show that the coatings with the tunable patterned rough surface complement the topographical morphology, and the hydrophobic molecules facilitate the hydrophobicity. The contact angles of water droplets of ~155o with a sliding angle of up to 3.5o on the samples have been achieved. It is exciting to note that the coatings resist effectively adsorption of typical proteins/polysaccharides and subsequent colonization of marine diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. The thermal spray construction of superhydrophobic surfaces proposed in this research offers the advantages of precisely tailoring the surface textures and surface chemistry cost-efficiently over as large an area as desired, showing bright prospects for versatile applications.
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