Characterization of nonstructural protein 3 of a neurovirulent Japanese encephalitis virus strain is

来源 :上海市畜牧兽医学会2011年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simeifang
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  Background:Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), as a re-emerging virus that causes 10,000-15,000 human deathsfrom encephalitis in the world each year, has had a significant impact on public health.Pigs are the naturalreservoirs of JEV and play an important role in the amplification, dispersal and epidemiology of JEV. The nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) of JEV possesses enzymatic activities of serine protease, helicase and nucleoside 5-triphosphatase, and plays important roles in viral replication and pathogenesis.Results:We characterized the NS3 protein of a neurovirulent strain of JEV (SH-JEV01)isolated from a field-infectedpig. TheNS3 gene of the JEV SH-JEV01 strain is 1857bp in length and encodes protein of approximately 72 kDawith 99%amino acid sequence identity to that of the representative immunotype strain JaGAr 01. The NS3 proteinwas detectable 12h post-infection in a mouse neuroblastoma cell line, Neuro-2a, and was distributed inthe cytoplasm of cells infected with the SH-JEV01 strain of JEV. In the brain of mice infected with the SH-JEV01 strainof JEV, NS3 was detected in the cytoplasm of neuronal cells, including pyramidal neurons of the cerebrum, granulecells, small cells and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.Conclusions:The NS3 protein of a neurovirulent strain of JEV isolated from a pig was characterized. It is anapproximately 72 kDa protein and distributed in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The Purkinje cell of the cerebellumis one of the target cells of JEV infection. Our data should provide some basic information for the study of the roleof NS3 in the pathogenesis of JEV and the immune response.
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), the causative agent of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, is responsible for serious disease in pigs resulting in substantial e
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目的:研究分析新发病毒猪细小病毒4型(PPV4)在我国的流行情况、全序列特征。  方法:基于本实验室建立的PPV4PCR检测方法,检测了从2006年到2011年收集的931份临床病料,并扩增了PPV4全序列并进行分析。  结果:检测931份病料,共检出阳性样本131份,2006年-2008年的300份病料中未检测到PPV4,从2009年开始,PPV4的检出阳性率逐年升高,到2011年已经高达31%
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为研究不同猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)疫苗的的免疫特性,本实验分别采用PRRSV变异株(JXA1-R)弱毒疫苗、经典PRRSV(VR 2332)、变异株(JXA1)灭活苗免疫PRRSV 抗原和抗体阴性的健康断奶仔猪,免疫后70 d 用PRRSV变异株强毒攻毒,ELISA 方法检测血清中PRRSV 特异的抗体水平及IFN-γ、IL2、IL4、IL8、IL10 细胞因子水平,并进行临床症状和肺