Molecular cloning and expression analysis of EhMDC which involved in terpenoid biosynthesis of Eupho

来源 :陕西省植物学会2016年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wugailin
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  The gone of diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase was cloned successfully from Euphorbia helioscopia L.,named as EhMDC (accession number: KP995936).The full length cDNA of EhMDC was 1653 bp,and it contained an open reading frame of 1245 bp,a 5untranslated region of 184 bp and a Y untranslated region of 224 bp.Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase contained 415 amino acids.Bioinformatic analysis showed that it was a hydrophilic protein with predicted molecular weight of 45.971 kDa and theoretical pI of 5.77.It was located in the cytoplasm and belonged to the membership of GHMP kinases superfamily.It included predicted phosphorylation sites of 19 amino acids,and it has not transmembrane domain and signal peptide.
泛素连接酶(E3)家族在脊椎动物的先天免疫中发挥了重要作用。为了研究TRIM16(tripartitemotif containing 16)和TRIM25(tripartite motif containing 25)在尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromisniloticus)先天免疫中的作用,本实验通过RT-PCR和末端快速扩增(RACE)方法获得尼罗罗非鱼TRIM16和TRIM25的cDNA全序
将大鳞副泥鳅暴露于30 mmol L-1 NH4Cl溶液和空气中,以研究其体组织中氨、尿素含量以及谷丙转氨酶(ALT)和谷草转氨酶(AST)活性的变化。研究发现:氨和空气暴露下,随着暴露时间的增加,大鳞副泥鳅血浆、脑组织、肝脏组织和肌肉组织中氨含量显著上升。而无论暴露于NH4Cl溶液或者空气中,不同暴露时间对其血浆、肝脏组织和肌肉组织中尿素含量的影响均非常的小,不受机体氨累积的影响。空气暴露48
建立渔船在自由航行和起网两种工况下的轴系扭振当量系统,介绍了不同轴段柔度的计算方法。利用compass软件进行轴系扭转振动计算分析,得到在正常发火和一缸熄火情况下各轴段的合成应力曲线和相关部件扭矩曲线。结果 表明,该渔船轴系最大扭振合成应力和部件的扭矩均小于许用值,可为渔船轴系设计提供参考。
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