
来源 :中国化学会第十七次全国电化学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daweinihao
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  The proton conductivity of proton exchange membranes (PEM) is directly relevant to the characteristics of proton transfer,proton transfer are multifaceted and complicated processes,and the relative contributions of various mechanisms can be difficult to distinguish.But solid-state NMR is the effective technique for the study of hydrogen bonding network and local proton mobility in PEM,thereby can be explore the mechanism of proton conduction.We use 1H MAS NMR experiment to characterize the structure of hydrogen bond system and proton conduction.The 1H MAS NMR spectrum of APTES/ATMP PEM shows two major resonances at 2.3 and 9.5 ppm,which are assigned to the carbon backbone protons and P-OH protons,respectively.In addition,a minor resonance appears at 14.6 ppm,which is approximately the chemical shift of N-H proton.These results indicating that strong hydrogen bonds formed between phosphonic acid and amino groups,or just between phosphonic acid groups.The reason is that the 1H chemical shifts of phosphonic acid protons is commonly found at 8-20 ppm,and 1H chemical shifts of N-H proton appears at 12-16 ppm,depending on the hydrogen bond strength.Besides the proton conductivity of membrane APTES/ATMP at 140℃ under anhydrous condition is up to 4.93×10-2 S cm-1,indirectly revealing that the introduction of N is in favor of the formation of hydrogen bonds.It also suggests that the synergistic effect of N and P enhanced the construction of hydrogen bond network,making protons transport between phosphoric acid molecules through the hydrogen bond network.
固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFCs)是传统供能装置的理想替代品,但传统SOFC过高的操作温度 (800-1000℃) 限制了它们的商业化[1,2].钐搀杂氧化铈(SDC)-碳酸盐复合电解质是目前已知性能 最好的中低温(500-650℃)SOFC的电解质材料[3-4].
低温燃料电池主要使用Pt、Pd等贵金属为催化剂.贵金属价格昂贵,制约了燃料电池的商业化.尤其在燃料电池阴极发生的氧还原反应,动力学速率缓慢,需要更多的活性位来加速其反应,这就 进一步增加了对贵金属的需求.为解决这一问题,改善贵金属的分散性和物料传输性能,进而提高 贵金属利用率,显得至关重要.
石墨烯具有奇特的结构与诸多优异的性能,如高比表面积、高导电性、高导热性,等等,而通 过掺杂可以对石墨烯进行改性,如氮、硼掺杂可以调控其电子和能带结构,并进一步改善其物化性 能.本工作中我们利用化学氧化法制备出石墨烯氧化物GO (graphene oxide),并使之与尿素在水热 条件下反应得到氮掺杂石墨烯,然后采用NaBH4还原法在不同温度下负载铂纳米颗粒.
近来,直接甲酸燃料电池(DFAFC)由于有许多优点而受到重视.但其也存在着两个主要 的缺点,它们限制了DFAFC 的寿命和性能:①商业钯Pd 做阳极催化剂的电催化稳定性不 好;②甲酸在Pd 催化剂上会快速分解.因此,为了解决这两个问题,在本工作中,利用预 沉淀还原法在低温加热的条件下还原摩尔比相同的PdCl2 和SnCl2 溶液来制备钯锡金属间化 合物,并对其作为直接甲酸燃料电池的阳极催化剂的性能
低共熔溶剂(Deep Eutectic Solvents,DES)具有蒸汽压低、无毒性、可生物降解、溶解性和导 电性优良、电化学稳定窗口宽等独特的物理化学性质,而在功能纳米材料的制备领域吸引了人们广 泛的兴趣[1].目前,我们已通过电化学方法在DES 中形状控制合成了对乙醇氧化具有高电催化性能 的凹二十四面体Pt 纳米晶和Pt 纳米花催化剂[2,3].然而,电化学方法制备催化剂将受到产量等因素 的
氧还原反应(ORR)作为燃料电池、金属空气电池等多种涉及能量存储及转换的电化学装置的阴极 反应,其反应效率直接决定了电化学电源的性能.铂基电催化剂是目前公认催化氧还原活性最高的 催化剂,然而其昂贵的价格以及有限的资源储量,限制了其大规模的应用.因此,开发Pt替代电催 化剂十分迫切.
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