A monodisperse microspheres/silk fibroin nanofiber composite with controlled release of biomolecules

来源 :Fourth Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Deliv | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ln86119
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  Numerous techniques have been developed to fabricate electrospun nanofibers which contain biomolecules loaded microspheres to achieve controlled release and high porosity[1].However,problems still persisted such as burst and uncontrolled release of biomolecules as well as inhomogeneous microsphere sizes[2].
在850℃的CaCl2熔盐中,分别以烧结的CeO2-NiO、CeO2-La2O3-NiO、La2O3-NiO试样为阴极,高密度石墨碳棒为阳极,进行电脱氧反应.采用电子扫描显微镜和X射线衍射仪分析了烧结试样电解前后的微观形貌及相组成.结果表明:烧结试样中La以LaNiO3、La2 NiO4、La2Ni2O5的形式存在;CeO2-NiO的脱氧过程为NiO还原为金属Ni,与随后生成的CeOCl反应形成C
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