Painlevé analysis for Ultra-discrete equations

来源 :International Conference Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applicat | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanshui5
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  Ultra-discrete equations are generalized cellular automata in the sense that the de pendent (and independent) variables take only integer values.We present a new method to identify integrable ultra-discrete equations which is the equivalent of the singularity confinement property for difference equations and the Painlevé property for differential equations.Using this criterion, we find new integrable ultra-discrete equations which in clude the ultra-discrete Painleve equations.
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  Several analogues of Painlevé analysis for discrete equations will be described in this talk.Each approach involves detecting equations for which some meas
岩滩水电站是红水河的骨干电站,电站库区的污染及对河水水质的影响是各方面密切关注的问题,为此我们作了相应的调查,现报告如下: 一、概况岩滩电站位于广西大化县西部的红水
  Spin waves are the excitations of a magnetically order.ed solid state material.In mag netic films they have unusual dispersiou properties compared to electr