Ubiquitin in Endocytosis and Signaling of EGFR

来源 :第十五届亚太分子生物学网络组织年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w123youlin
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The activity,localization and fate of a vast number of cellular proteins are regulated through ubiquitination,a process whereby one or more ubiquitin (Ub) monomers or chains are covalently attached to target proteins.Of particular interest in signaling is the ability of the Ub modification to induce de novo protein: protein interactions,through the recognition of ubiquitinated proteins by proteins harboring Ub-binding domains ( UBDs),a mechanism that sits at the heart of several signaling cascade.
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A-IMBN Research is a website project created jointly by NPG Nature Asia-Pacific ( NAP) and A-IMBN to promote the work of A-IMBN,its members and their research to the global scientific community.The w