Causative Constructions in Classical Chinese

来源 :第五届形式语言学国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x1114891413
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@@ Causative construction is among the basic categories in natural language. There are all together three types of causative constructions: lexical causatives, morphological causatives, and periphrastic causatives. In the first category, the causative situation is realized as an atomic unit, for example, the verb 殺 ‘to kill’ in兩臣殺二君 is a lexical causative verb; while in the second, causative situation is realized by morphological means, as in修身正行,不能来福, lài来‘encourage to come’marked by a different pronunciation is a causative variant of the verb lai来 rather than non-causative variant pronounced as lái 来‘to come’. The third, periphrastic causatives express a causative situation analytically by adding a causative verb such as 令,命,使‘to order’, just like‘get’, ‘make’, ‘have’ in English.
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陈小凤是一个美丽的女人,一袭优雅得体的套裙,一头乌黑飘逸的长发,一双明亮的凤眼,完美精致的妆容,温柔纯净的声音,高贵温婉的气质,佩戴着整套唯美别致、光芒四射的钻饰,无不透着一股浓浓的女人味。只是从那双明亮的凤眼里不时透露出的坚定眼神,才会让你想到这是一个内心异常坚强的女子,敢想敢做,坚持不懈,永不言败。    看待成功:我觉得自己很幸运    许多企业家都会把企业的成功归功于自己,当然创业过程中独
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